I just finished the book the The Thick and the Lean and it really aligns with some of those beauty predictions. I also recommend for its commentary on capitalism and religion.
So well said, thank you. 2 things, I loved this line and feel like this ALL THE TIME: It’s diligently recycling cans, when CEOs are on private jets.
and secondly, I am amazed you mentioned that book, as I am working at this moment, on my computer, on her next book and was just thinking how eerie it was. Thank you for sharing, I think we're all looking for connection so much right now.
Ugh I was too late on that advice not to have your kids see wildfire footage. I’m in LA but our home was unaffected by the fires but we couldn’t help but be glued to the news which totally traumatized my 9 year old. Like. I mean. Of course it did. I took my kids to Disneyland on a whim on Sunday (fun mom!) to try to help distract, quell anxiety and get some better air, and my anxious daughter said about an hour in “OMG MOM, WE NEEDED THIS!”. I dunno… a blithe take on it all, but sometimes maybe a good metaphor to leverage of like… go to Disneyland or the spiritual equivalent?
Our kids have just discovered both American ninja warrior junior and create the escape, which has resulted in many obstacles created around the house. I hate the cleanup, but appreciate them coming up with these wild ideas involving pillows and lava and sharks.
I think it’s so hard, I feel like my 7 year old knows too much, and is naturally a little news hound (two parents who work in politics adjacent jobs). He does get awfully worried about things, and it’s a balance between being an empathetic person in the world and letting them get exposed to things their brains can’t process.
He comes by it naturally - I wrote a letter to the newspaper about nuclear disarmament at his age, and remember I had horrific nightmares of the Oakland fire (and even now, nope out of bonfires and fireworks), but I was local, we could smell the smoke, etc.
They watch Newsround - BBC news for kids - with their milk break every am, so he gets more exposure than most kids. Although in November, they took a break because Mr W said “that man’s face makes me feel sick…”.
This weekend was a fun, thrilling experience, and I (and the husband) ended up making three winter sweet treats. All keeping with the season, of course... Yesterday was Makar Sankranti, celebrated widely across India as the day the sun enters Capricorn, heralding warm days, spring, more light and warmth, etc. I had this burst of energy—I joked that it was Wolf Moon energy—that resulted in Til Barfi (mixed sesame and nut brittle with jaggery), Punjiri (ghee-roasted wheat flour with mixed dried fruit and nuts and spices), Gol Papdi (a Gujarati delicacy, also made from wheat flour, jaggery, ghee, nuts, spices). Such a burst of creative energy—I was blown, and happy. Oh, and the results were delicious, too.
I follow Rajiv Surendra on Instagram (I am such a fan) and I chanced upon his New Year 2025 video which was so sweetly inspiring... I fell in love with him all over again.
I just finished the book the The Thick and the Lean and it really aligns with some of those beauty predictions. I also recommend for its commentary on capitalism and religion.
So well said, thank you. 2 things, I loved this line and feel like this ALL THE TIME: It’s diligently recycling cans, when CEOs are on private jets.
and secondly, I am amazed you mentioned that book, as I am working at this moment, on my computer, on her next book and was just thinking how eerie it was. Thank you for sharing, I think we're all looking for connection so much right now.
A new book by Elisa Gabbert? Or Linda Sue Park. Both so spot on and either way I’d be excited.
Ugh I was too late on that advice not to have your kids see wildfire footage. I’m in LA but our home was unaffected by the fires but we couldn’t help but be glued to the news which totally traumatized my 9 year old. Like. I mean. Of course it did. I took my kids to Disneyland on a whim on Sunday (fun mom!) to try to help distract, quell anxiety and get some better air, and my anxious daughter said about an hour in “OMG MOM, WE NEEDED THIS!”. I dunno… a blithe take on it all, but sometimes maybe a good metaphor to leverage of like… go to Disneyland or the spiritual equivalent?
I’m taking my children tubing this weekend, which is kinda like Disneyland.
Our kids have just discovered both American ninja warrior junior and create the escape, which has resulted in many obstacles created around the house. I hate the cleanup, but appreciate them coming up with these wild ideas involving pillows and lava and sharks.
I think it’s so hard, I feel like my 7 year old knows too much, and is naturally a little news hound (two parents who work in politics adjacent jobs). He does get awfully worried about things, and it’s a balance between being an empathetic person in the world and letting them get exposed to things their brains can’t process.
He comes by it naturally - I wrote a letter to the newspaper about nuclear disarmament at his age, and remember I had horrific nightmares of the Oakland fire (and even now, nope out of bonfires and fireworks), but I was local, we could smell the smoke, etc.
They watch Newsround - BBC news for kids - with their milk break every am, so he gets more exposure than most kids. Although in November, they took a break because Mr W said “that man’s face makes me feel sick…”.
This weekend was a fun, thrilling experience, and I (and the husband) ended up making three winter sweet treats. All keeping with the season, of course... Yesterday was Makar Sankranti, celebrated widely across India as the day the sun enters Capricorn, heralding warm days, spring, more light and warmth, etc. I had this burst of energy—I joked that it was Wolf Moon energy—that resulted in Til Barfi (mixed sesame and nut brittle with jaggery), Punjiri (ghee-roasted wheat flour with mixed dried fruit and nuts and spices), Gol Papdi (a Gujarati delicacy, also made from wheat flour, jaggery, ghee, nuts, spices). Such a burst of creative energy—I was blown, and happy. Oh, and the results were delicious, too.
I follow Rajiv Surendra on Instagram (I am such a fan) and I chanced upon his New Year 2025 video which was so sweetly inspiring... I fell in love with him all over again.